Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Single Mom Ordered To Pay $1.5 Million For 24 Illegal Music Downloads

Isn't this something... Wow! I know downloading music is illegal but come on guys... Is it just me but do you think this is going a bit far? How is this single mother going to pay $1.5 for music downloads?

Minnesota (AP)– A federal jury has decided that Jammie Thomas-Rasset owes $1.5 million for sharing 24 songs over the Internet.

Jurors determined Wednesday (Nov. 3) that Jammie Thomas-Rasset from Minnesota owes $62,500 per song.

Last year, a federal jury found Thomas-Rasset willfully violated the copyrights on 24 songs. She was ordered to pay $1.92 million in damages, or $80,000 per song.

But Chief U.S. District Judge Michael Davis reduced the verdict to about $54,000 in damages, calling the jury’s penalty “monstrous and shocking.” The Recording Industry Association of America rejected the reduced penalty, setting up the new trial to determine damages.

The RIAA says in a statement it hopes Thomas-Rasset “finally accepts responsibility for her actions.”

A message left for Thomas-Rasset’s attorney was not immediately returned.

**My question is how many people have downloaded music illegally? Humph, almost everyone I know! I guess it pays to pay for your music**

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