Friday, December 31, 2010

HaPpY nEw YeAr!!! 2011

     Well, give yourself a hand, you made it to HA HA HA.  No seriously, God has been good to you!  You've made it to 2011 and that in itself is enough to be thankful for.
     So what are you hoping for in 2011?  Come on, you have to have a plan.  Set some goals for yourself.  Write them down and post them up so you can see them.  This will be a reminder for you.  So what if everything didn't work out for you in 2010, let 2011 be a year of new beginnings for you.   Trust the Lord, trust the Lord, trust the Lord...  You can't do NOTHING on your own.  He gets or He should get all the glory in our life.  That great idea you had, who put it there?  Who made your mind?  Who gave you eyes to see? I could go on and on, but I won't.  (lol)  
     I want to thank each and everyone of you for listening to the D. Martez show in 2010, I still can't believe that I have a website and that people actually come to the site to hear what I'm saying and to read what I've typed.  It's truly a blessing.  I promise in 2011 to continue to give you information, inspiration, and laughter.  I promise to talk about things that we want to hear.  This site is only possible b/c of God and YOU!  I appreciate it.
     Well I'm sure your eyes are ready to rest... In closing, I'm asking that you all spread the word about the D. MARTEZ SHOW... Tell your friends, co-workers, and family... Tell everybody!  Oh, and if this is your 1st time on my site, of course I welcome you too.  Enjoy yourself, listen to my past shows and let me know what you think.  Have a GREAT year! Expect greatness and let's take this journey to success together... I pray for you, you pray for me. (lol)  Come on, it's gonna be fun!  Remember.....

D. Martez  :) 


  1. Happy New Year!!! I look forward to ringing in 2011 and listening to the D Martez show!! Be Blessed everyone

  2. I love it! Happy new year to you too.
