Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Usher Gets Kicked In The Mug!

This is kind of funny when you think about it. R&B superstar Usher was performing in New York in Madison Square Garden on Monday night. He pulled one of his overly excited female fans onstage to serenade her. Usher sat her down and then the serenading started. The fan tried to move her leg to get closer to Usher and then all of sudden, BAAMMMM! Her stiletto boot heel knocked him in the nose! Ouch!!!

The pleasures and pains of being a sex symbol... Usher if there is a scar on your nose due to the stiletto hitting, please let it heal naturally. No plastic surgery, your nose is just fine.

D. Martez

1 comment:

  1. I bet he won't pull another fan onstage... Perhaps it'll be a lesson learned!!! Maybe he'll write a song about it... LOL
