Monday, June 27, 2011

ThE d. MaRtEz ShOW , MONDAY, JUNE 27th 2011

     It's MUSIC MONDAY on the D. Martez Show! Hope you had a wonderful weekend. Enjoy today's show!
   Today's show is going to be the LAST SHOW until Monday, July 11th... I'm taking a break, well, not really. My web designer is doing major upgrades to the site.  The new site is going to be BETTER!  It will allow you the listener to be more involved!  I'm really excited and slightly nervous! 
   Be sure to follow me via twitter --- @D_Martez and you can send me a friend request on facebook at Dominique Martez.  The new site is going to be great! The url will still be Enjoy MUSIC MONDAY & I'll return with a new site on July 11th 2011!!!

I love ya listenin'
D. Martez


  1. Good music Monday show! Can't wait to see how the new site will look. Keep up the good work.

  2. Good show. Will be looking forward to the new site.

  3. Thats a long time to be gone D. If the site is going to be better then I guess it's worth the wait.
