Thursday, June 30, 2011

President Obama Is Called A "Dick"

See the man in the picture above, that's Time magazine editor-at-large Mark Halperin. He's been suspended as MSNBC’s senior political analyst after he called President Barack Obama a “dick” on “Morning Joe” Thursday morning. 
 “Mark Halperin’s comments this morning were completely inappropriate and unacceptable. We apologize to the President, The White House and all of our viewers. We strive for a high level of discourse and comments like these have no place on our air. Therefore, Mark will be suspended indefinitely from his role as an analyst,” said the network in a statement to The Hollywood Reporter.
Halperin said in a statement: “I completely agree with everything in MSNBC’s statement about my remark. I believe that the step they are taking in response is totally appropriate. Again, I want to offer a heartfelt and profound apology to the President, to my MSNBC colleagues, and to the viewers. My remark was unacceptable, and I deeply regret it.”
Okay, Mark, you regret it, but why even allow something so disrespectful to slip out?  I just don't get it! Wow!  Well, MSNBC got him together.  Watch the video below to hear exactly how Mark used the word 'dick' in a sentence.

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