Friday, July 1, 2011

Aaron Carter Says Michael Jackson Gave Him Drugs

Do y'all remember Aaron Carter?  Don't get him confused with his brother, Nick Carter.  Nick was one of  the members of the mega hit group, Backstreet Boys.  Aaron and Nick look very similar.  Above is a picture of one of Aaron's CD covers.  His 1st CD was released in 1997.   Still don't remember or know who he is?  Don't worry, me either! HA HA HA... Just kidding. 

He came to fame as a pop and hip hop singer in the late-1990s, establishing himself as a star among preteen and teenage audiences. He has also launched an acting career. 

Aaron is making headlines over new details he’s revealed of his friendship with Michael Jackson, including claims that the King of Pop gave him cocaine, reports USA Today.

“I never talked about it,” Carter tells Australia’s OK! magazine. “This is the first time. … I miss Michael. … I have spent such incredible times with him. I did things with him that nobody else did.. … But I was also troubled about what he did to me.”
When asked if Jackson gave him wine, Carter said, “Yes, he gave me wine. I mean, I could have refused, but I was 15.”

And, says Carter, “He gave me cocaine. … We spoke afterwards, hours and hours, on the phone. I admired Michael, but his behavior bothered me a lot. Then my mother called the police…”

In 2004, Carter’s mother told Access Hollywood about a night Aaron spent unsupervised at Jackson’s Neverland Ranch, suggesting that the elder singer gave her son drugs. But Carter told People magazine, “I don’t do drugs. I didn’t do them with Michael Jackson and I don’t do them with anyone else.”
Carter, the younger brother of Backstreet Boys singer Nick Carter, entered rehab in January for help with “some emotional and spiritual issues.”
***Info. provided by USAToday/eurweb***

D. Martez

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