Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Tina Turner Shot Michael Jackson's Brother

Above is a picture of Randy Jackson.  Member of the late great group, The Jackson 5 and brother to King of Pop, Michael Jackson.

On Saturday, via twitter, Randy tweeted that musical icon and diva, Tina Turner shot him!  The incident happened in the late 80's according to Randy's tweet.  Randy's tweet went on to say that he showed up at Tina's house looking for his girlfriend. 

"I guess I caught them off guard. Hmmm...." he wrote. Still, he says he doesn't hold a grudge and went right back to talking about the vast conspiracy behind his brother's death two years ago last week.

Why Randy?  Why even bring this up?  What purpose did this serve?? Hmmm... It seems to me that many of the Jackson's do and say things just to keep a little media buzz around their name.  Well, guess what, it's working, but who really cares?
***Info. provided by newsone/nymag***

D. Martez


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