In the picture above you see actor Ryan Reynolds receiving the green lantern ring. I'm so glad he's receiving it and not me because after seeing this movie, I would take that ring and place it in a meat grinder! Yes, that bad!
Okay, may be not that bad, but bad enough. Let's take into count that the theater I was in was so cold you could have kept meat frozen in it. I've been told that if you're too hot or too cold it can ruin any situation. So may be that's what happened with me not liking this movie, or may be not.
The first half of this movie is so drawn out. The movie goes from the green lantern being an adult, then to a boy, and then back to an adult. Then we fast forward to the present where he has a job flying high speed fighter jets. Then we find out that the universe is filled with various "green lanterns" who wear a green ring and protect everyone from evil. The evil is a creature called Parallax.
It's just all over the place. I felt that I could not connect with any of the characters. Now don't get me wrong, I understand this is an action superhero film and I'm fine with that. But not at one time did I care about what the green lantern man was doing or had done or will do! The special effects were decent but at times corny. Why do I say corny, well, the Green Lantern makes race cars, machine guns, and brick walls appear by using his mind. Did I mention this film cost $300 million to make? I forgot that Angela Bassett had a small role in this film. I was excited to see her at first until she was thrown against a huge glass frame and then... well, enough said. The movie was very predictable.
Green is one of my favorite colors! After seeing this movie, I too was green. Overall I give the lantern a 5.7 out of 10. Why that rating? Well, I still like the color green, Angela Bassett is in this movie and I do happen to like Ryan Reynolds as an actor, just not in this film.
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