Friday, October 15, 2010

Bill O'Reilly's Debate on the View Prompts Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar Walk Off the Stage

He's one of the most outspoken personalities on television, and Bill O'Reilly caused quite a commotion on "The View" this morning (October 14). The conservative "O'Reilly Factor" host went toe-to-toe with Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar over a very touchy issue. As the cast debated whether there should be an Islamic Cultural Center built in downtown Manhattan, O'Reilly responded by calling the idea "inappropriate".

This prompted Whoopi Goldberg to inquire, "Why is it inappropriate?"

A question to which O'Reilly replied, "Because Muslims killed us on 9/11."

Everything broke loose from here. Goldberg uttered an "Oh my god!" before the rest of her words were bleeped out.

Joy Behar was outraged by Bill O'Reilly's stance on the issue, insisting Muslims had the right to build the cultural center because "This is America!"

On the topic of the Ground Zero Mosque, Bill referenced polls that indicate that 70% of Americans are against the project altogether.

Ultimately, Whoopi and Joy weren't having it and ended up shouting profanities and walking off the set.

Barbara Walters wasn't pleased when her co-hosts chose to leave the stage, as is evidenced by her comments immediately following the incident:

"You have just seen what should not happen," Walters said. "We should be able to have discussions without washing our hands, and screaming, and walking offstage."

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