Monday, October 18, 2010

Celine Dion Hospital Stay To Protect From Premature Birth Of Twins

Celine Dion is in the hospital. That is the news from the singer and her family. The news was released earlier on Monday. The singer is currently pregnant with twins, is in a hospital today as a precautionary measure to prevent the early birth of her twins. According to People Magazine, St. Mary's Hospital released the following statement about the singer's condition and the decision to place her in the hospital now: "Ms. Céline Dion has been admitted to St. Mary's Medical Center in West Palm Beach, Florida for observation at the recommendation of her doctors. She has been admitted to prevent the early delivery of her babies, which is the standard of care for any patient with twin pregnancy in this clinical setting."

There had been rumors that Dion wanted to have the babies delivered by C-Section this coming weekend, but those rumors have been denied by her husband, René Angélil. Hopefully, things continue to run smoothly for the singer, and she delivers two happy and healthy babies.

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