Friday, January 28, 2011

ThE d. MaRtEz ShOw, FrI. 01.28.11

     Happy Friday to you!  I don't know about you but I'm soooo glad it's Friday!  Let's enjoy this day and honestly we should be thankful for each day.  Each day we have to make a difference is truly a gift from above!  Thank you for coming to the site to listen to the show.  Enjoy!

I love ya listenin'
D. Martez




  1. Pretty good show buddy! I think Halle made the right decision. I can't see her playing the role of Aretha Franklin. I don't think Halle has the vocals for it. I DO think that Halle is a good enough actress to pull it off thru lip singing but for actual vocals, no! Now Jennifer Hudson, YEAH!! I hope Jennifer gets that role! As far as the Ohio mother goes, I'd say it was just a matter of the system being jacked up and b/c she's black!! Soooo, those are my thoughts! ~Brandon Russ~

  2. Thanks for your comments and listening to the show. I agree with you about Halle playing Aretha and yes the system is jacked, therefore, that Ohio mother is paying for. But I believe that God can and will still get the glory out of that situation.
