Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Want A CuPcAkE...?

Okay, I had to share this with you all... See the picture above? Those two yummy looking cupcakes... Well, looks can be sooooo deceiving! I can't say the name of where I got them from but the place stated that their food is allergen free and organic. Their cookies, cakes, and cupcakes are gluten free, dairy free, casein free, and egg free.  You see where I'm going with this---- TASTE FREE! Wow, I want a refund!! (lol)  I bit into one of those "things" and it was like something went wrong in my mouth.  It was like my taste buds were in a fight to conquer bad taste, or the lack there of!  These cupcakes look beautiful but what a beautiful DISASTER they were in my mouth... Well, I had to share that with you.  Bet you got a good laugh.  I am now about to wash my mouth out with mouthwash and sugar!

D. Martez

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