Saturday, June 18, 2011

This Is Why I Love Wendy's!!!

This is why I love that lil red headed child named Wendy!!! Wendy's has these new frosty's that are AAAAMAAAZZZINNNGGG! Well, I can't say that all of them are amazing but I know the Wild Berry Parfait is! That's the one I had.  It was like frosty parfait heaven in my mouth! 

The berries were so ripe and fresh.  The creamy cool smooth taste of vanilla frosty mixed with those berries really took me to a place of almost no return! Wow!! I need another one of these... Actually I don't because these little sweet frosted babies contain 320 calories.  Not too bad though.  At least it's less than a piece of chocolate cake! 

Here's the BEST part.  When you buy one of these frosty's today or tomorrow, Wendy's will donation $.50 to the Dave Thomas Foundation For Adoption!  Visit for more info. on the foundation. What a great cause! The $.50 donation is part of Wendy's Father's Day Frosty Weekend! So what are you waiting for? Beat this summer heat with a sweet treat from Wendy's. And be sure to tell them that D. MARTEZ sent you!  Those people are going to be like, D, who? LOL! Trust and believe though, the day will come when my name will mean a MILLION! :)

D. Martez


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