Wednesday, April 27, 2011

President Obama's Birth Certificate Released

President Obama's long-form birth certificate has been released by the White House. The surprise move follows remarks by Donald Trump and others raising doubts about Obama's birthplace.  Speaking to reporters Wednesday, Trump said, "I have accomplished something nobody else has accomplished."
"I want to look at it, but i hope it’s true," he added. "He should have done it a long time ago. I am really honored to have played such a big role in hopefully getting rid of this issue."
Earlier Wednesday, White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer said the debate has been "really bad for the Republican Party."
The so-called "birther" debate is "good politics" but "bad for the country," said Pfeiffer.
White House spokesman Jay Carney is expected to speak more about the birth certificate Wednesday morning.  You all this is truly unbelievable!  What a world we live in. Well, maybe this will silence the ones who doubted Obama's citizenship. Let's pray for the president and our country, oh and Donald Trump!
***Info. by CNN***

D. Martez

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